Student Transportation Routing Software

Maximize efficiency in your school district with our advanced AI-powered bus routing software.

School Bus Route Optimization Software

Want to maximize productivity at your school district?

Powerful Productivity Tools

Medical Information

Age, Gender & Grade Records

Confidentiality Protection

Accommodation Requirements

After-School Schedules

Capacity Identifiers

Multiple Addresses

Emergency Contacts

AI-Infused Analytics
The Comprehensive Toolbox
Drive the Impact at Your School District

Book a personalized demo today & see how BusPlanner can help you save time, lower costs & boost safety at your school district!

    Learn How BusPlanner Can Help!

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    I am not a parent or student with a transportation request*

    By entering your information above and clicking the button, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, and that we may contact you, at the phone number and email address you provide in this form.