Student Transportation Management Platform

Software to Simplify Your Life & Customer Service to Keep It That Way

BusPlanner makes the high pressure world of school bus routing manageable with a software suite that’s advanced & comprehensive but easy to use.

Handle constant change minute-by-minute, use optimization tools to drive productivity & know you can always call us!

How You Know it’s Time to Switch to BusPlanner

Your routing software just isn’t keeping up with dynamic, unpredictable reality. You’re heroically taming chaos, achieving miracles despite outdated, slow software & customer service that’s unresponsive. GPS, student data & routing systems aren’t playing well together. You’re overloaded with menial tasks. BusPlanner to the rescue!

Feel Like I’m

What will be coming at you next? Changes in student assignments, boundaries, weather, traffic. Late buses. Driver shortages. It’s overwhelming.

Can’t Reach Anybody
for Help

When you call
customer service, you
get voicemail. Or a clueless operator. It’s days before you get a call-back from someone who can help…too late!

Slow, Clunky &

Reports & analytics take forever. Changes take multiple steps. You’re doing too much manually. The software is hard to use. Analytics aren’t useful.

Flood of Parent

When will my kid’s bus arrive? Where’s the new stop? How will she get to summer school? Your phones ring off the hook with questions from parents.

BusPlanner Is the Answer

Life is so much easier with BusPlanner!
Handle complexity with ease. Make the right decisions faster. See the big picture with analytics to streamline operations.

Trusted by the Largest School Districts Across North America

Drive the Impact at Your School District

Book a personalized demo today & see how BusPlanner can help you save time, lower costs & boost safety at your school district!

    Learn How BusPlanner Can Help!

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    By entering your information above and clicking the button, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, and that we may contact you, at the phone number and email address you provide in this form.

    BusPlanner Makes Your Operations More Efficient & Your Stakeholders Happier

    Here’s what our customers say about how BusPlanner enables them to satisfy different stakeholders:

    Continuing Our Proud Legacy

    BusPlanner was founded over 40 years ago & took the market by storm with our customer-focused approach. We make continuous upgrades based on customer feedback thanks to smarter technology. We had AI in 2010, long before AI became a buzzword. Some of North America’s biggest districts run with our software, which works whether you have 20, 200 or 2,000 buses.

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    Our Experts Are Always There for You

    We pick up on the first ring when you call. Here’s what clients say about our support team:

    “You don’t get put on hold when you call BusPlanner, & you’re talking with the actual expert who is going to fix your problem. We’ve been with them for 8 years & never been let down.”

    “They listen to their customers & update Bus Planner based on that. They’ve basically given us everything we’ve ever asked for.”

    Time to Get out of the Pressure Cooker & Into a More Peaceful World

    Call us & tell us your wish list. We’ll give you a very personal demo showing how BusPlanner software & people will make your transportation department a more peaceful place.