6 Ways to Make Student Transportation More Efficient With Software

Transporting kids to and from school can be a challenge. It’s important to have measures in place that ensure that students can get to classes on time to combat problems like chronic absenteeism.

Did you know that 22% of 4th graders were absent five or more days in the previous month in 2022? While not all absences were due to bus delays, as transportation professionals, it’s important to find ways to minimize the chances of kids missing school due to buses running late.

Plan Out Routes Ahead of Time

School districts have clear plans of what routes they’ll run — whether a district uses the old-fashioned pen and paper for routing or they use the more modern solution of school bus routing software

Investing in the right software tools can be useful in planning routes effectively:

Have a Contingency Plan

How many times have you ditched what seemed to be a flawless plan because something unexpected happened?

In student transportation, something or the other can always go wrong. That means it’s important to have something up your sleeve to deal with the unexpected. Here are a couple of things that can happen:

Case 1: A Driver Fails to Show Up

Picture this: everything is going according to plan when suddenly one of your drivers calls in sick. What do you do?

One option is to sit there and hope for a miracle, but everyone knows that’s not going to happen. The most practical solution is to have a tool to reassign school bus routes to other drivers based on their schedules and locations.

Case 2: There’s a Road Closure

Imagine that everything is going right. Now I know what you’re thinking: in student transportation, that never happens. But let’s assume things are going swimmingly.

All of a sudden, there’s a road closure due to an accident or a storm knocks down a tree, causing a blockade. What now?

Well, that’s where GPS tracking and analytics software is your best friend. Using live data, you can avoid any potential roadblocks and hazards to ensure students get to school on time.

Spend Lesser Time Answering Parent Phone Calls

Nobody in student transportation enjoys receiving angry parent calls. Let’s face it, how many times has your office phone rang with a parent on the other end to deliver good news? The odds of that happening are pretty low.

Not only does it cause undue stress, but parent phone calls can take away precious time from other tasks. It’s a good idea to have some way to efficiently communicate with parents that saves you time.

Keep Your Fleet in Running Order

The best way to keep your buses running is to ensure they’re well-maintained. School bus fleet management software can help streamline the hassles of maintenance and day-to-day care.

Streamline Your Workflows

Nothing helps with efficiency more than having proper workflows and processes in place. Keeping paperwork down to a minimum is a must if you want to save time looking for important documents.

Online form integrations in school bus software take care of everyday tasks, allowing you to tackle other challenges that spring up. The automation tools take care of the grunt work and eliminate human error.

Also dealing with lesser paperwork means that you can digitally archive documents, leaving you with more desk space. Additionally, with autofill features, you never have to worry about making mistakes.

Stay in Touch With Your Team

Communication is the crux of student transportation. We’ve already highlighted the importance of keeping parents updated, but what about your team?

It’s critical for transportation leaders to have frequent meetings with their team, and ensure solid internal stakeholder communication. What you need is a secure communication platform that ensures data safety while you relay important information to drivers, operators, dispatchers, and all other employees.

Another thing to take care of is providing route manifests and reports to drivers before they start working to ensure they have the latest information.

How We Can Help

If at any point while reading this article you had a thought along the lines, “Wow, that’s awesome and will make my life simpler,” then we have good news for you!

BusPlanner is a student software management suite packed with all the features you need for route optimization, planning, and management. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can help transform operations at your district like we’ve done with many others across North America!

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