3 Ways to Prevent Bullying on School Buses

Unfortunately, one out of every five students report being bullied. Bullying takes place on the school bus, school hallways, classrooms, cafeterias and even online. The negative impacts that it leaves behind are long-lasting on young minds affecting their self-image and mental health. While many times, bullying is addressed in the classrooms and campuses, measures are hardly extended on school buses. 

Here are three ways to counter bullying and protect children on school buses.

Organizing the School Bus

School buses are one of the most likely places for a child to be bullied – why? One of the main reasons is the lack of adult supervision. Students are often not monitored by an adult in school buses and the supervision is left up to the driver, who can’t drive and look after the students simultaneously.

Extending The Role of Bus Drivers

School buses are often not seen as part of the school as they’re seen as a “hired service” with “hired help.” Bus drivers complain that the administration does not intervene as they would have if it happened within the school. [FH5]

Implementing Strict School Policies

With many children sharing school buses, it also becomes difficult to determine and control behavior.


Addressing bullying on school buses is a critical step in creating a safer and more inclusive environment for all students. By implementing bus monitors, training drivers to recognize and respond to bullying, and enforcing strict school-wide policies, schools can extend their anti-bullying efforts beyond classrooms and campuses. It’s essential for school administrations, parents, and transportation staff to work together to ensure that school buses are not just a means of transport but also a safe space for every child.

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