Combatting the Challenges of Winter Weather with Routing Software

Student transportation services thrive on precision and efficiency. School bus routing software plays a major role in keeping operations running like a well-oiled machine.

Winter weather can be harsh, so it’s essential to find ways to combat disturbances by preparing for them ahead of time. The winter season especially requires precautions that can help businesses stay efficient and on track.

Here is how routing software can mitigate winter weather challenges.

Live Traffic Updates

Real-time traffic information from student transportation management software can save a lot of time and prevent accidents. 

In 2021, cities with warm weather like Houston and Tucson received unexpected snowfall. Sudden weather changes have affected the transport industry much like other services. By pulling live GPS data, routing software enables service providers to stay on top of traffic trends caused by severe weather.

Risk Awareness

It can always be a bad idea to take risks on the road, especially with students onboard. Therefore, routing software can help eliminate several factors that can cause problems for drivers on the job.

The US Department of Transport (DOT) reports that 24 percent of weather-related vehicle crashes occur on snowy, slushy, or icy pavement and 15 percent happen during snowfall or sleet. Avoiding such roads can be made possible by effectively using school bus routing software.

Maintain Fleet Fitness

A fit fleet can be a blessing for the transportation business as it can help reduce costs. The advantages of maintenance fleet fitness are innumerable, including better customer trust.


School bus routing software can be a lifesaver for many companies operating in the service business. Yellow bus services can suffer innumerable setbacks if they lose parents’ and children’s trust during stressful times.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about how our software can help you overcome challenges in even the harshest weather.

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